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Monday, March 17, 2025


LBJ Early College High School Wins Best PSA

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)- United ISD is pleased to announce that LBJ Early College students, under the direction of Ms. Cynthia Gallardo, have won the title of Best PSA for the 9th Annual Rio Research Roundup.  For the past nine years, the Rio Grande International Study Center has hosted the Rio Research Roundup where students from the

Author Shawn Elliott Russell Visits Two United ISD Middle Schools

Courtesy Alex Meyer,   (Laredo, Texas)-Author and motivational speaker Shawn Elliott Russell recently visited the Los Obispos and Washington Middle School campuses to make presentations based oh his book entitled “Be Still, Little Tree, Be Still”.  The author wrote the book after overcoming anxiety and health issues that left him jobless, home-bound, and terrified. “I was desperate

United ISD’s Youth of the Month for January 2019

Courtesy Rocio Moore, (Laredo, Texas)-The Laredo Sector Border Patrol held a ceremony to honor students awarded the distinction of being named January’s Youth of the Month.  The Border Patrol has been honoring high school students who stand out among their peers for over 31 years.  United ISD is exceptionally proud of these four exemplary students for

UISD’s Zumba Master Class Fundraiser Slated for Saturday January 26! Yahoo / Inbox

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-UISD’d 80’s themed Zumba Master Class will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2019, at the Cherish Center (Former Alexander 9th grade campus), in the gymnasium, located at 8800 McPherson Road.*     Pre- Registration for the class is $20.00 per person. Participants may download the registration form online at https://s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/1556/zumba-walk-registration-form-2019b.pdf. The completed form and pre-registration payment

AHS Bulldog Football Team Donate Toys and Blankets

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, the Alexander High School Football team collected over 70 toys and blankets for students at Amparo Gutierrez Elementary School.  The AHS Football players, under the direction of Head Coach Sergio Salinas, visited Amparo Gutierrez Elementary to surprise the students with their gifts.  Principal of Alexander High School, Mr. Ernesto Sandoval,

United High School Senior Marcos Alejandro Munoz Signs Scholarship for UTRGV

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Congratulations to United High School (UHS), senior Marcos Alejandro Munoz, who signed a cross-country scholarship to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). UHS cross-country coach Eduardo Gonzalez said that Munoz is a great student and one of the best athletes in the state. “It’s been my pleasure to coach

UISD Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Services to Commence on January 22, 2019

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-For a 10th year, United ISD high school students, under the guidance of teachers who have been certified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA), are offering free income tax preparation services to low and moderate income families and individuals. The services will be available at

United ISD Kicked-Off The 7th Annual Partners For Scholars 5k Run/Walk, Health Fair & Zumba Master Class

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)_United ISD held a press conference to kick-off 7th annual Partners for Scholars 5k run/walk, Health fair and Zumba Master Class. Proceeds from both events will benefit United ISD students with scholarships to college.  Prior year’s events have been huge successes, which have raised over $36,000 for student scholarships. This year, our goal is to reach 1,000 participants.   Paid

United ISD Students Awarded with Supplemental Scholarships

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-The University of Texas at Austin (UT) awarded two United ISD high school seniors with a surprise supplemental scholarship in the amount 0f $48,000.00 each.  The scholarship is to be disbursed over the course of four years.  United High School recipient Karla Velazquez will major in Business and minor in pre-med

Nye Elementary Annual Holiday Showcase

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Happy Holidays from Nye Elementary School!  Kindergartners through fifth graders performed holiday-themed songs for a packed house during the campus’ annual winter program. Parents and teachers applauded with delight as each age group performed holiday themed songs, dances and skits.

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