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Archives for September 2010

Progresso Auto Parts has Over 4 Acres of Car Parts Available

Progresso Auto Parts has over 4 acres of parts available for all types of vehicles domestic or imports.  Parts such as bumpers, doors, motors, transmissions, diferentials, and much more for pickups, sedans, jeeps, and vans of all makes and models are found at reasonable prices.   You will have no problem finding parts for cars between 1998


Courtesy Lesley Lopez, For first-time sewer service to 23 homes   Washington D.C. – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced that Frio County has been granted $500,000 in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG program, which will be administered through the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) under the Texas


  Courtesy Lesley Lopez,   For first-time sewer service to 39 homes   Washington D.C. – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced that Webb County  has been granted $500,000 in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG program, which will be administered through the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) under

Heavy Traffic, Orange Barrels Ahead for Texas-Oklahoma Game Travel

Courtesy TxDot, AUSTIN – As thousands of football fans converge on north Texas this weekend for the biggest rivalry game in Texas and Oklahoma, transportation officials urge motorists to use caution navigating heavy traffic and active construction zones. “No one likes road delays any more than they like game delays. Motorists should plan their trip

VMT Magnet School to hold peer-to-peer voter registration drive

Courtesy Roberto Treviño,  The Vidal M. Trevino School of Communications and Fine Arts will be hosting a voter registration drive at all LISD high schools to register students to vote. On Wednesday, September 29, the magnet school will visit Cigarroa High School at 8:30 a.m. and Martin High at 10:30 a.m.  The registration drive is

Congress Passes Cuellar Bill on Fema Spending Efficiency

Courtesy Lesley Lopez, Focuses on reducing government waste, increasing transparency  Washington- Congressman Henry Cuellar’s homeland security bill to direct the Federal Emergency Management Agency to assess the efficiency of homeland security grants passed in the House yesterday, and will now go on to be signed by President Obama. Once signed into law, the Redundancy Elimination

PHOTO RECAP: Mayor Salinas & Kids of the Club Una Mirada De Amor

Courtesy Xochitl Mora, City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas welcomed the children of Club Una Mirada De Amor, a local non-profit organization for young children that teaches philanthropy.  The students will be hosting a fashion show on Thursday, October 21, 2010, starting at 6 PM, at Paseo Real, to benefit a girls’ orphanage in

Burglars Caught in a Residence Red Handed

Courtesy Joe Baeza,   On Monday, September 27, 2010 at approximately 4:27 p.m., police officers responded to a Burglary of Habitation in progress by the 500 block of Callaghan Street.  While in route to the call, dispatch advised that an anonymous caller stated that three male subjects broke the door to the residence next to a

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