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Archives for November 2020

Free Brush & Bulky Item Collection Service will be Offered in District 4

Courtesy Isabel Sosa, LAREDO, Texas— On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the City of Laredo Solid Waste Department will be conducting a free Brush & Bulky Item Collection service throughout District 4. All unwanted accumulations should be placed out for pickup no later than 7:00 a.m. Customers must place all bulky items at least 10 feet

City, County Confirm 1 New COVID-19 Related Death

Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas—The City of Laredo and Webb County have ONE new confirmed deaths in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that our counselors

Holiday Light up at Arturo Benavides Park

Courtesy Gladys Gonzalez, LAREDO, Texas—Arturo Benavides Park joins in now lit up right in time for the Holidays It includes red and white tunnels full of lights this merry season. Mayor Pro Tempore and Council Member for District 4 Alberto Torres, Jr. invites everyone to come to the park located at 2607 Derby Avenue and

Temporary Street Closure at McPherson Road and E Hillside Road

Courtesy Isabel Sosa, LAREDO, Texas—Friday, November 27, 2020 and Saturday November 28, 2020, there will be a temporary street closure at the intersection of McPherson Road and E Hillside Road from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., approximately on both days, due to new construction of concrete curb, driveway, sidewalk and pavement improvements. The public is

City, County Confirm Two New COVID-19 Related Deaths

Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas—The City of Laredo and Webb County have TWO new confirmed deaths in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that our counselors

CBP Announces Pilot Program to Route Northbound Empty Tractors, Trailers to Colombia-Solidarity Bridge Starting Dec. 7

Courtesy Richard Pauza, LAREDO, Texas– U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations (OFO) at Laredo Port of Entry announced via a recent trade bulletin that effective Dec. 7, 2020 all northbound empties, with the exception of bona fide participants in trusted trader programs (CBP-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), Free and Secure Trade

City, County Confirm 1 New COVID-19 Related Death

Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas—The City of Laredo and Webb County have ONE new confirmed deaths in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that our counselors

Sheriff’s Office Wanted Person for Assault with Deadly Weapon Has Been Arrested

Courtesy Eduardo Chapa, Laredo, TX (Webb County) – Today, at approximately 12:30 p.m., the Webb County Sheriff’s Office along with Webb County Constable Precinct 2 and United States Border Patrol, approached a residence located at the 2100 block of Chacon Street after receiving information of a wanted fugitive residing at the residence. Miguel Salinas, 52,

J.B. Alexander High UIL Congress Team State Bound

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, the Regional UIL Congress competition was held through a virtual tournament. Alexander High School senior Lorenzo Maldonado took the top award and advanced to the U.I.L. State competition, tentatively scheduled to be held in Austin, TX. Seniors Alexa Chapa and Carolina Santos-Paez placed 4th and 5th, respectively, and will go

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