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Archives for November 2013

Youth Motivational Speaker Fabian Ramirez at GWMS

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Tx)- George Washington Middle School (GWMS),  has been a Special Olympics Meet in the Middle campus school for the past five years.  The Meet in the Middle program promotes acceptance and inclusion among students with and without intellectual or learning disabilities.  This year, GWMS welcomed Anti-Bullying Speaker and Drug Prevention Specialist

PHOTO RECAP: Media Walk-Thru of South Laredo Branch Library

Courtesy Xochitl Mora, (Laredo, Tx)-Dist. I Cm. Mike Garza and Dist. II Cm. Esteban Rangel, along with the Laredo Public Library  welcome the Library Advisory Board, Friends of the Library, branch library namesake donors and members of the media for a walk-thru to update all on the progress of the facility. The McKendrick-Ochoa-Salinas Branch Library

Sixty UISD Students Earn Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar Honors

Courtesy Veronica Cantu, (Laredo, Tx)-The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams. About 22 percent of the 2.2 million students worldwide

PHOTO RECAP: Cm. Garza Hosts Avenida Los Presidentes Groundbreaking Ceremony

Courtesy Xochitl Mora, (Laredo, Tx)-District I Council Member Mike Garza and the City of Laredo proudly announced plans to enhance traffic mobility in the southern sector of Laredo with the groundbreaking of the Avenida Los Presidentes Extension project, extending the roadway to Cuatro Vientos. This will provide an alternative north/south route for both the local

AEP Contractor Work to Cause Road Closure

Courtesy Xochitl Mor, (Laredo, Tx)-Vector Contractors, contractor for AEP, will be closing San Francisco Avenue between East Hillside Road and Calton Road, tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for removal of poles.  For questions or more information, please feel free to call Alma Delgado or Roland Lozano at (956) 794-1626

Greg Plitt Inspires and Motivates Los Obispos Students

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Tx)-The highlight of Los Obispos recent Career Day, held  on November 22nd,  was a visit from renown bodybuilder/actor/model/ motivational speaker Greg Plitt. Plitt, a native of Baltimore Maryland, told students that his success came as direct result of his positive outlook on life. “There is no such thing as a limit

Killam Elementary Concludes Week with Anti-Bully Parade

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Tx)-During the week of November 18, Killam Elementary held a series on-campus programs designed to raise student awareness about bullying. The week’s activities concluded with a customary pep rally in the gym followed by a parade in the campus’ corridors.  This year’s special guest was Huggy the Bear, from the office

Newman Toros Celebrate Their Grandparents…

Courtesy Carmen Rendon,   (Laredo, Tx)-Last week, The Newman Elementary Toros welcomed their Grandparents to give them special thanks for all they do.  Grandparents were treated to breakfast pastries and a special serenate from the United High School Mariachi Del Mar.  After ceremony Grandparents were given the opportunity to visit their grandchildren classrooms and participate in a variety

United High School hosts Career Day

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Tx)-United High School was excited to welcome 145 community professionals for career day.  Career Day creates a critical link between the classroom and the workplace by allowing students to explore various career options so that they can make informed educational and career choices.  “I was really inspired by our professional speakers

Tomorrow’s Teachers at united isd are growing…

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Tx)-The Tomorrow’s Teachers Program is a program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources and was created to meet the teacher shortage challenge by “growing” our own teachers from the talented pool of students in our District.  The Tomorrow’s Teachers Program is a district-wide initiative that ranges from 3rd grade students

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