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Archives for March 2019

‘Hegemony and Inter-American Trade Relations’ Topic of IBC Bank and Commerce Bank 2018-2019 Keynote Speaker Series April 3

Courtesy Mika S. Akinuni, (Laredo, Texas)-As world powers struggled for leadership and dominance during the last century, the United States saw itself fending off challenges from rivals such as the former Soviet Union and Japan. This century, however, is witnessing an entirely different scenario, as the country engages in a full-spectrum competition with China. On

Congratulations to UISD’s Outstanding 8th Graders of the Month

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Nine UISD middle school students were recognized with other local students during the March 2019 Outstanding 8th Grader of the Month ceremony held at M.B. Lamar Middle School. The students were celebrated for achieving academic excellence, participating in projects that benefit our community, and for being good role models. Sponsors of the monthly recognition include Friends of

City of McAllen Wins Statewide Community Health Challenge

Texas-sized competition promoted healthy living McAllen, TX- For the second year in a row, the City of McAllen was not only the winner for its size category in the IT’S TIME TEXAS (ITT) Community Challenge, which ended March 4, but also, the top point getter in the entire state of Texas. More than 4,195members of the McAllen community participated and uploaded


Courtesy Ariana Mora, Laredo, Texas – Ruthe B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center (RBC) celebrates Social Work Month! Each day, nearly 700,000 social workers nationwide work to elevate and empower others, giving them the ability to solve life’s problems, cope with personal roadblocks and get the services they need. Social workers are needed now more than ever as

UISD Hosts Special Olympics Young Athlete Competition

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, United Independent School District (UISD), hosted the 2019 Special Olympics Young Athletes Program at the SAC. The 24 event program is designed for athletes age two to seven, and focuses on developing fundamental motor tracking and eye-hand coordination through physical play. Approximately 300 young athletes participated at this year’s competition. Student volunteers

Students From Alexander High School and United High School Advance to State Theatrical Design Contest

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-UIL 2019 Theatrical Design State Qualifiers from Alexander High School (A.H.S.), and United High School (U.H.S.), recently advanced to the State Theatrical Design Contest. This year’s design prompt was based on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl. The purpose of the Theatrical Design Contest is to foster appreciation of good theatrical design,

Laredo Sector Border Patrol Honors UISD Youths of The Month

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-The United States Border Patrol Laredo Sector continues to commemorate 32 years of supporting our youth through various programs and initiatives. On March 20, 2019 four UISD high school students were inducted asYouths of the Month. The program recognizes the accomplishments of high school students who excel in academics and volunteer

Read Across America Day Celebrated at Raul Perales Middle School

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, guest reader Ms. Aida Perales recited some Dr. Seuss stories to 6th & 7th grade students at UISD’s Raul Perales Middle School. This event was held in conjunction with Read Across America Day, which encourages children throughout our nation to embark on a journey to read and learn for life. The

United ISD Cherish Center Celebrates World Down Syndrome Day

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.  Down Syndrome International encourages our friends all over the world to select their own activities and events on WDSD to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is,

TAMIU Hosts $500,000 Charitable Gift Announcement from Johnson Trust

Courtesy Steve Harmon, (Laredo, Texas)- Texas A&M International University (TAMIU)  hosted the equal distribution of financial gifts totaling $500,000 from the Samuel N. Johnson, Jr. 2013 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust to five community organizations. On behalf of the Trust, Trustee  Jim Moore announced the gifts to the Laredo Little Theatre, Laredo Theatre Guild International, St. Edward’s University,

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