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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 16, 2025


Courtesy Ariana Mora,

Laredo, Texas – Ruthe B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center (RBC) celebrates Social Work Month! Each day, nearly 700,000 social workers nationwide work to elevate and empower others, giving them the ability to solve life’s problems, cope with personal roadblocks and get the services they need.

Social workers are needed now more than ever as the nation grapples with serious issues such as income equality, preventing suicide, ensuring access to good health care for all, as well as addressing the growing opioid addiction now gripping the nation.

Two of those extraordinary individuals working at RBC are Denise A. Ramirez, LBSW and Rebecca Diaz, LMSW. RBC’s social workers assist our patients by providing information and referrals to resources in our community and helping patients apply or direct them to the right programs depending on their individual needs. Many of our patients are not aware of the resources offered when going through this challenging time in their lives.

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