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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Archives for February 2021

Rep. Cuellar Votes for President Biden’s American Rescue Plan

Courtesy Charlotte Laracy, An Urgently Needed Package to Provide Over $151 Million to Hardworking Families in Webb County Washington, D.C.—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) voted to pass the American Rescue Plan, a legislative package that will fund vaccinations, provide immediate, direct relief to families bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis, and support struggling communities. “American

United ISD Proud To Be A Part of City-Wide Vaccination Effort

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-United Independent School District (UISD), continues to work with the City of Laredo and Health Department officials to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. As part of a city-wide vaccination effort on Friday, February 26, 2021, UISD nurses administered a total of 1200 first dose inoculations at six UISD campus locations throughout the

Celebratory Parade for UISD’s School Counselors

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)United ISD’s Guidance and Counseling Department partnered with Chick-Fil-A to host a celebratory parade for Counselors Appreciation Week. Each counselor was treated with a Chick-Fil-A Lunch, a bag of goodies that included office supplies and isolated reusable totes. Congratulations, counselors, and thank you for your hard work and dedication to the

McAllen Parks and Recreation to Resume Senior Meal Program

Courtesy Xochitl Mora, (McAllen, Texas)-Beginning Monday, March 1, the McAllen Parks and Recreation Department will resume the widely-used senior meal program funded by local partner Amigos Del Valle. The strictly drive-thru service provides approximately 2,200 senior citizens in McAllen with well-balanced hot meals throughout the week including weekends, assisting them to remain healthy and independent.

Rep. Cuellar Leads Bipartisan Letter to Admin., Calling for Disaster Assistance to All Texas Counties

cueCourtesy Charlotte Laracy, Laredo, TX—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), along with Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11), led a bipartisan group of 27 members of the Texas Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to President Biden, urging him to approve Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Individual Assistance (IA) for all 254 counties in Texas. All Texas counties have

City of Laredo Receives Additional 5,000 COVID-19 Vaccines for 11th Week Allocation

Courtesy Noraida Negron, Laredo, TEXAS – The City of Laredo announces that, after receiving 5,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, it will continue moving forward with the vaccination process. The 5,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were received on Tuesday, February 23. The City of Laredo will quickly continue collaborating with community partners including

City of Laredo Announces Declaration of Local Disaster

Courtesy David Alegria, Laredo, TEXAS – Due to the winter weather emergency experienced during the previous week in the State of Texas, the City of Laredo announces a Declaration of Local Disaster. Per the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, this makes Mayor Pete Saenz the Emergency Management Director for the City of Laredo. Thus, he

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on 500,000 American COVID-19 Deaths

Courtesy Charlotte Laracy, Washington. D.C. – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) issued the following statement regarding the United States tragically losing half a million American lives to the coronavirus: “My heart aches for the thousands of families who have lost loved-ones to the coronavirus. For over a year, this global health crisis has devastated every American

United ISD to Resume Regular Schedule for Students and Employees on Monday, February 22

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Beginning Monday, February 22, United ISD will return to its regular schedule. Students who attend classes virtually should log in to their classes on Monday morning. Students who attend classes in person should report to their campus on Monday morning. All employees will report to their campus or office as they

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