City of Laredo Receives Additional 5,000 COVID-19 Vaccines for 11th Week Allocation
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Feb 23, 2021, 1 Comment
Laredo, TEXAS – The City of Laredo announces that, after receiving 5,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, it will continue moving forward with the vaccination process. The 5,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were received on Tuesday, February 23. The City of Laredo will quickly continue collaborating with community partners including United Independent School District (UISD), Laredo Independent School District (LISD), Laredo College, and Texas A&M International University (TAMIU). This time, there will be 14 COVID-19 Vaccine Points of Dispensing (PODs) across the city.
The city would like to remind the public that these vaccines are for first dose inoculations only. This time, the online appointment system will only open for those who are 65 years of age and older. As a reminder to the community, the system now includes a waiting room that can allow up to 500 people at a time while others are filling out their appointment application.
The online portal and phone lines to set an appointment will open on Wednesday, February 24, at 1:00 p.m. For those who wish to make an appointment online, they need to visit To make an appointment via phone, the public can call 3-1-1. The vaccines will be administered on Friday, February 26 and Sunday, February 28. Appointments are non-transferrable. Only the person registered for an appointment may receive the vaccine. Consent forms will be available via email upon making an appointment to help expedite the process. The vaccine will not be administered if a person is currently under quarantine/isolation or is experiencing symptoms (chills, fever, loss of taste or smell) to ensure the safety of the emergency response vaccination staff.
Out of the 5,000 vaccines, 3,090 will be allotted for online appointments, of which 618 will be separated for those who require telephone registration. The 14 PODs include:
o Lyndon B. Johnson High School – 9th Grade Campus
o United High School
o Washington Middle School
o United Middle School – 6th Grade Campus
o United South High School – 9th Grade Campus
o Lamar Bruni-Vergara Middle School
o Zachry Elementary School
o Daiches Elementary School
o Milton Elementary School
o Lamar Middle School
o Farias Elementary School
o Leyendecker Elementary School
· Laredo College
The 5,000 vaccines will be distributed as follows:
Vaccines per Location Total Vaccines
School Districts 1B 400
Private School 1B 150
Providers 400
Homebound 200
EHW 150
Healthcare/Nursing Residents 50
Webb 10
Rio Bravo 80
El Cenizo 60
Zapata 250
Jim Hogg 90
Total 5000
As per city council directive vaccines have been allocated for public and private schools 1B populations. The public schools will administer vaccines to their identified 1B population and private schools may contact the Laredo Health Department via email to make an appointment at va*******
need to register for 3 people for vaccination, please advise how to register