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Archives for February 2016

United ISD To Observe Spring Break

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-In observance of Spring Break, classes will not be in session for students from March 7-11, 2016. Parents should note that all classes this week will begin and end at their regular time and no early release of students will be announced. All United Independent School District campuses and administrative offices

Webb County Community Role Models

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-The Webb County Sheriff’s Office and the Elysian Social Club honored this month’s community Role Model students during a February 25th ceremony at the Webb County Courthouse. The event recognized students from Laredo’s public and private high schools. Four UISD students were among the honorees to receive the recognition, which is based on

TAMIU Student Nurses Offer Fundraising First Stiletto 0.5K March 5

Courtesy Steve Harmon, (Laredo, Texas)-Ladies (and gentlemen) it’s time to kick up your heels at the first-ever Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) Student Nurses’ Association Stiletto 0.5K Relay, Run & Walk on Saturday, March 5 from 8 -11 a.m. in front of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library. A portion of registration fees will be


Courtesy TxDot, AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Department of Transportation today unveiled TexasClearLanes.com as a tool to keep Texans informed of the agency’s efforts to address traffic congestion. The website comes at a time when the agency is most focused on improving travel times for drivers as the state’s population continues to boom. “Today, as

CBP Officers Seize More Than $4 Million in Narcotics at the Laredo Port of Entry

Courtesy Mucia Dovalina, LAREDO, TEXAS – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers recently seized a significant amount of cocaine and heroin at World Trade Bridge. “Our officers are specially trained and work as a team to effectively target and intercept these types of narcotics,” said Port Director Gregory Alvarez, Laredo Port of Entry. “The

Last Home Game Set to Bring Awareness for the American Cancer Society

LAREDO, TEXAS – The #1 Laredo Swarm will end their basketball season with an American Cancer Society Awareness Night, and they invite the public to show their support by WEARING PURPLE on Sunday, February 28 at 4:00 p.m. at the Laredo Energy Arena (LEA). “We are very excited to promote our event and organization at

Next Info Session Thursday for TAMIU’s Texas Academy of International and STEM Studies Fall Recruitment

Courtesy Steve Harmon, (Laredo, Texas)-An opportunity for a select group of 50 juniors to join the Fall 2016 cohort for Texas A&M International University’s Texas Academy of International and STEM Studies is drawing near. Two Information Sessions for Parents and Students to explore their Academy interest are scheduled Thursday, Feb. 25 and Tuesday, March 22.

Hector Ferreyro Jr. Competes in RGV Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament

Courtesy Brenda Medina, Laredo, TX (Webb County)—Hard work, determination and a lot of dedication led to double victories for two Webb County Sheriff’s Office PAL’s gym boxers. The hometown boxers, Joshua Juarez, 18, and Hector Ferreyro Jr., 16, both competed this past weekend at the 2016 RGV Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament which took place in

End of the Season Specials & Road to the Playoffs

Courtesy Jorge Quijano, LAREDO, TEXAS – Currently ranked FIRST PLACE in the entire American Basketball Association (ABA) League, your Laredo Swarm along with the LEA will now offer specials for the remainder of the season and into the playoffs. “We are thrilled that the Laredo Energy Arena will be hosting the ABA playoffs set for

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