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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

United ISD Kicked-Off The 7th Annual Partners For Scholars 5k Run/Walk, Health Fair & Zumba Master Class

Courtesy Carmen Rendon,

(Laredo, Texas)_United ISD held a press conference to kick-off 7th annual Partners for Scholars 5k run/walk, Health fair and Zumba Master Class. Proceeds from both events will benefit United ISD students with scholarships to college.  Prior year’s events have been huge successes, which have raised over $36,000 for student scholarships. This year, our goal is to reach 1,000 participants.   Paid registration for each of these events includes a t-shirt and ticket for a door prize giveaway.  Information about both events can be found on the District’s website at www.uisd.net. For questions call, (956) 473-6201.  

The 80’s Themed Run For Scholars 5K Run/Walk and Health Fair will take place on Saturday, January 19, 2019, at the North Central Park on 10202 International Blvd. On-Site registration will be from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Run/Walk begins at 9:00 a.m. Pre-Registration fee may be paid at the United ISD Central Office located at 201 Lindenwood Drive, www.swifttiming.com or on-site on the day of the event.  Pre-Registration is $20 and On-Site is $25.  United ISD Student fee is $10.  Fee includes T-shirt, and medals for division winners. The health fair will include various community and non-profit organizations that will give out items and offer health screenings to participants.

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