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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

United ISD Students Awarded with Supplemental Scholarships

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos,

(Laredo, Texas)-The University of Texas at Austin (UT) awarded two United ISD high school seniors with a surprise supplemental scholarship in the amount 0f $48,000.00 each.  The scholarship is to be disbursed over the course of four years.  United High School recipient Karla Velazquez will major in Business and minor in pre-med at UT Austin in the fall of 2019.

Lyndon B. Johnson recipient Jesus Balderas will major in biochemistry at UT Austin in the fall, as well.  The Surprise Supplemental Scholarship is awarded to 35 students across the state and only three students in Laredo earned this distinction.  United ISD is honored to congratulate Karla and Jesus on their achievements.  As these two students have shown, hard work and perseverance surely pay off.  Congratulations on all of your achievements, Karla and Jesus.

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