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Sunday, March 16, 2025


LBJ Early College High School Graduates First Class

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-UISD is pleased to announce the graduation of 95 students from the Lyndon B. Johnson High School (LBJHS), Early College High School Program(ECHS). The students received their Associates of Arts degrees at a graduation ceremony held at the Sames Auto Arena on May 10, 2019. The graduates are the first to benefit from the program. Launched in

United ISD Teachers Recognized at 2019 School Bell Awards Program

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-Three United ISD teachers were honored at the 2019 School Bell Awards Program held at Texas A & M International University. The event is sponsored by the Education Committee of the Laredo Chamber of Commerce, Family Chevrolet, and the College of Education of Texas A&M International University. The event is held each year to recognize and honor

Local School Districts Spotlight Achievements of Special Needs Students

Courtesy Alex Meyer, Administrators and educators  from UISD and LISD  gathered at UISD’s Student Activity Center for the 2019 Special Student Honor Awards.  The awards recognize academic achievement, community involvement and determination to succeed. This year, 33 students from both districts were nominated for recognition by their respective campuses.“Working as a special educators allows us to develop unique

United ISD’s Wellness Committee Holds Spring Incentive Drawing

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos,  (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, United ISD’s Wellness Committee held its biannual incentive drawing.  The Wellness Committee was created to encourage employees to create and maintain healthy habits in their lifestyles.    The Wellness committee works with Blue Cross Blue Shield to help teach employees about making healthy choices and keeping track of their progress. Employees

United High School Senior Obtains Gates Scholarship

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Congratulations to United High School (UHS), senior Rommel Nuñez , who was recently selected for a 2019 Gates Millenium Scholarhip. Rommel is one of  1000  students across the nation who received the scholarship – which can be used to pursue a degree in any undergraduate major and selected graduate programs at any accredited college or university.

United High School Senior Mateo Simpson Accepted to U.S. Naval Academy

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, United High School senior Mateo Avington Simpson accepted his appointment to attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Mateo was accepted into the academy after being nominated by Congressman Henry Cuellar based on his exemplary test scores and achievements. “Each year, I only nominate the best and brightest from

Judge Bobby Quintanilla Donates To United ISD’s Prom Project

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, Judge Bobby Quintana donated prom attire to United ISD’s Prom Project.  Prom Project is dedicated to collecting new or gently used formal dress attire for United ISD seniors who will be attending their proms. These students may not otherwise have the means to purchase formal wear for one of the most important social

United ISD Celebrates Librarian Appreciation Week

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, United ISD celebrated Librarian Appreciation Week by holding a luncheon and meeting to honor them.  Over 45 librarians from every campus within the district gathered to celebrate each other. Ms. Celia Taboada, Director of Staff Development, and the Curriculum & Instruction Department hosted the luncheon.  Ms. Taboada stated, “United ISD

Student With Leukemia Given a Hero’s Welcome

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Muller elementary school held a welcome back celebration for kinder student Juan Jose Nevares. The young student had been away for several months so that he could receive leukemia treatments. Upon returning to his beloved Muller campus, Principal Mayra Ramirez greeted Juan with an embrace as fellow students, teachers, counselors and

Alexander High School Students Win Big at 2019 State VASE Art Competition

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Recently, six elite art students from Alexander High School (AHS) competed in the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) State Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) Art Competition in San Marcos, Texas. Only eight artworks from AHS qualified for the State Art Competition out of the 35,000+ artworks that were entered around the

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