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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Student With Leukemia Given a Hero’s Welcome

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-Muller elementary school held a welcome back celebration for kinder student Juan Jose Nevares. The young student had been away for several months so that he could receive leukemia treatments. Upon returning to his beloved Muller campus, Principal Mayra Ramirez greeted Juan with an embrace as fellow students, teachers, counselors and administrators cheered and displayedwelcome back signs.

      Accompanied by his parents Nidia and Rafael Nevares and other family members, Juan was visibly moved by the reception he got from his Muller family, UISD Police, U.S. Border Patrol and the Laredo Fire Department. ” For children like Juan, returning to school is important because it can give them a sense of normalcy. It is also an important part of their social and academic development.  Juan has been very courageous in his battle against his leukemia, and we are delighted that he is thriving again. We will always be here to advocate for him and his family”, said Ramirez.

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