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Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Centeno Elementary Kicks-Off Accelerated Reader Program for 2022-2023

Courtesy Alexander Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Centeno elementary’s Accelerated Reading kick-off for 2022-2023 began with a surprise visit from local celebrity Clown Bolitas. Students and teachers participated in spirit building dances and activities while competing for great prizes.   “Our goal is to encourage, guide and engage students at all reading levels. We also track their progress

United ISD Garners A-Rating From TEA for 2021-22 School Year

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-The Texas Education Agency (TEA) announced that United Independent School District received an overall rating of “A” from the Texas Education Agency as part of their 2021-22 state accountability rating. The District’s Overall Performance Summary is as follows: • Student Achievement— UISD scored a 90 overall STAAR Performance – 83 College,

United ISD Teachers of the Year Recognized at Region One Ceremony

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-United ISD’s District-wide Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year attended the Region One Education Service Center (ESC) Teacher of the Year Ceremony. The ceremony featured Teachers of the Year from districts across the region. Melissa Gignac, Secondary Teacher of the Year from Lyndon B. Johnson High School, and Leah Luna,

United ISD Joins Workforce Solutions for Hiring Event

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-United ISD joined Workforce Solutions to hold a hiring event. The district’s Custodial, Transportation, Maintenance/Facilities, and Child Nutrition departments were all on hand to discuss the application process with attendees. Additionally, the Human Resources (HR) department attended to discuss all other employment opportunities with the district. Auxiliary positions currently available include

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-United ISD Superintendent of Schools, David H. Gonzalez, and his management cabinet hosted a collaborative meeting with Laredo ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Sylvia Rios and her administrators. State Representative Richard Raymond attended the meeting, while Representative Tracy King and Senator Judith Zaffirini attended via Zoom. UISD and LISD came together

State and Local Leaders Tour “Operation Border Health Preparedness” Clinic at L.B. Johnson 9th Grade Campus

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Leaders from our state and local community came out to show their support for Operation Border Health Preparedness ( formerly Operation Lonestar). The event is an exercise to expedite medical care to the community in the event of a public health crisis, and also serves as a no-cost clinic for basic

Courtesy Paola Arcos, (Laredo, Texas)-The United High School Chess Team competed in the 2022 National High School Championship in Memphis, Tennessee. The Chess Team worked very hard fundraising and practicing all year to attend the prestigious event. The United High School Chess Team and their sponsor Lucy K. Gutierrez would like to thank United High

United ISD Announces Rudy “RJ” Tijerina as Head Boys Golf Coach at United South High School

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-The United Independent School District Department of Athletics and United South High School is proud to announce the selection of Rudy “RJ” Tijerina as the new head boys golf coach at United South High School (USHS). Coach Tijerina will be taking over for Hector Velasquez who accepted the head girls golf

USHS Graduate Signs to Play Collegiate Football

Courtesy Carmen Davila, (Laredo, Texas)-Daymenonn Vercher of United South has committed to Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas. Adriana Ramirez, Proud Principal of United South High School, hosted a ceremony at the school’s library. Among the special guests were UISD Athletic Director Bobby Cruz and Board Member Rick Rodriguez. Vercher was accompanied by his close family

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