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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Nine United High School Swimmers To Compete at State UIL Swimming – Diving Meet

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-Nine swimmers will represent United High School at the UIL Swimming and Diving State meet. Sofia Gomez will swim 200 Individual Medley, 100 Backstroke and 400 Free Relay. Alijah Rodriguez will swim 100 Breaststroke and 400 Free Relay. Sofia Trevino and Diara Aleman will swim the 400 Free Relay. Emiliano Gonzalez

Grab and Go Meals Pick Up Times Amended Due to Inclement Weather on Monday, February 15, 2021

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-The United ISD Child Nutrition Department will distribute Grab and Go Meals on Monday, February 15, 2021; however, the pick up times have been amended due to expected inclement weather. Grab and Go Meals will be available at all campus locations, with the exception of Clark Middle (students who attend Clark

John B. Alexander High School Students Place 1st at UIL District Cross-Examination Meet

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-John B. Alexander High School students Fernando Martinez and Ruth Yang have advanced to the University Scholastic League (UIL), State Cross Examination Meet after garnering first place at the UIL District Cross-Examination Meet. Their debate coach is Ms. Alyssa Canales. Through participation at the UIL Cross-Examination State Meet, students who advance

Arndt Elementary Graduates Parenting Partners Class

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Last month, the Arndt Elementary Parenting Partners Committee hosted a celebration for parents who completed 10 online workshops that are designed to help them enhance their child’s education and personal growth. The graduating parents were recognized with certificates of completion and gifts. “I congratulate our teachers, staff and parents for a

UISD’s Director of Health Services Among Top 25 Nurses of South Central Texas

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-This year, the San Antonio Nursing Consortium recognized UISD’s Health Services Director Irene Rosales MSN, R.N. as one of the Best 25 Nurses of South Central Texas. The annual announcement raises the awareness of the contributions that nurses make to their community. In addition, the celebration builds the image of nursing

Washington Middle School Will Not Undergo Name Change

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos, (Laredo, Texas)-UISD recently announced that George Washington Middle School would undergo a name change to honor Board member and Vietnam Veteran, Juan Roberto Ramirez. At Mr. Ramirez’s request, the UISD Board of Trustees has agreed to meet and discuss the rescission of its action to change the name of Washington Middle. Mr.

United ISD Board of Trustees Vote to Observe a Two-Week period of Virtual Learning

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-The United ISD Board of Trustees has voted to observe a two-week period where students will return to remote/virtual learning. In an effort to protect the health and well-being of its students and staff, the District has temporarily changed its teaching schedule to remote learning at home from Monday, February 1

United High School Band Member Places at Texas Music Educators Association Audition

Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Texas)-Congratulations to United High School (UHS), sophomore Diego Jose Solis, who placed 3rd in French Horn auditions at the recent Texas Music Educators Association Area G auditions on January 16, 2021. UHS band Director John J. Mallon praised Solis. “I am very proud of Diego and the honor he brings to

New Middle School Campus to be named after Ricardo Molina, Sr.

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-UISD proudly announces that its new middle school located in the Cuatro Vientos Sur subdivision will be named in honor of Board member Ricardo Molina Sr. – who at this time is the district’s longest serving board member. The two-story campus is located at the intersection of Vientos Road and Bianca

United South Panther Alumni Performs at Recent Presidential Inauguration

Courtesy Carmen Rendon, (Laredo, Texas)-United South high school 1997 alumni and 2017 League of Legend honoree Dr. Christopher E. Buckley (Sergeant First Class Buckley), made the Laredo community shine when he performed at the recent Presidential inauguration as part of the U.S. Army’s Herald Trumpets. The group serves as the official fanfare ensemble to the

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