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Laredo, Texas

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Friday, March 28, 2025

United South Panther Alumni Performs at Recent Presidential Inauguration

Courtesy Carmen Rendon,

(Laredo, Texas)-United South high school 1997 alumni and 2017 League of Legend honoree Dr. Christopher E. Buckley (Sergeant First Class Buckley), made the Laredo community shine when he performed at the recent Presidential inauguration as part of the U.S. Army’s Herald Trumpets. The group serves as the official fanfare ensemble to the President of the United States, and can often be seen lining the South Entrance of the White House when the President welcomes foreign royalty, ambassadors, and visiting heads of state.

As a member of the U.S. Army Herald Trumpets, Buckley has performed with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and film composer John Williams. His audience has included the Prime Minister of Canada, the President of China, and Pope Francis. Dr. Buckley has also performed with the U.S. Army’s premier musical organization known as Pershing’s Own for well over a decade. “I would like to commend Dr. Buckley. He exemplifies the traditions of excellence that we espouse at all of our campuses. UISD and the United South High School Panther family is very proud of him, and wish him continued success. I’d also like to extend congratulations to his spouse Mrs. Leah Buckley and their children Joseph and Theodore”, said UISD Superintendent Roberto J. Santos.

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