Courtesy Isabel Sosa, LAREDO, Texas— Today, Tuesday, March 23, 2021, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has announced through an official press release that COVID-19 vaccines will be available to all adults. Beginning on Monday, March 29, 2021, all adults will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the State of Texas
Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas – The City of Laredo and Webb County have SEVEN new confirmed death in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that
Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas – The City of Laredo and Webb County have ONE new confirmed death in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that
Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas – The City of Laredo and Webb County have ONE new confirmed death in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that
Courtesy Noraida Negron, Laredo, TEXAS – During a special city council meeting held on March 08, 2021, council members discussed how the city facilities will open to the public after Governor Greg Abbott’s Order was passed last week. The plan presented by city management was divided in four stages based on budget and Health Authority
Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas – The City of Laredo and Webb County have FIVE new confirmed deaths in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that
Courtesy Noraida Negron, LAREDO, Texas – The City of Laredo and Webb County have ONE new confirmed death in Webb County related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost a loved one through this pandemic and want them to know that
Courtesy David Alegria, Laredo, TEXAS – The City of Laredo announces that it will be suspending the waiting list registration for the COVID-19 vaccines via Starting on March 15, 2021, the City of Laredo will be partnering with Curative to register appointments and administer the COVID-19 vaccine to the community. The City of Laredo’s
Courtesy Noraida Negron, Laredo, TEXAS – Today, Wednesday, March 3, 2021, the City of Laredo opened its new vaccination scheduler/waitlist with 3,150 online appointments, of which 630 were separated for those who require telephone registration. Within the first hour, received 1.4 million hits. The City of Laredo’s IST Department planned for a website capacity
Courtesy Noraida Negron, Laredo, TEXAS – The City of Laredo announces that, after receiving 5,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, it will continue moving forward with the vaccination process. The 5,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were received on Tuesday, February 23. The City of Laredo will quickly continue collaborating with community partners including
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