Archives for December 2013
Courtesy Alex Meyer, Los Obispos Middle School students and staff held a campus-wide toy drive for pediatric oncology patients at Doctor’s Hospital Providence Health Center. The gifts were delivered on December 19, 2013. All of the students involved in the toy drive are members of the Gregg Plitt fan club. Plitt, who visited the Los
Courtesy Xochitl Mora, City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas was on hand earlier this afternoon to help welcome a family to the rest stop. On hand was Mexican Consul Miguel Angel Isidro, as well as Blasita Lopez, Convention & Visitors Bureau Director, and the mechanic who donates his time to help the paisanos get
Courtesy Veronica Cantu, The Parent Involvement Committee at Newman Elementary School organized a successful holiday event today which allowed parents to visit their child in the classroom and work on a Christmas ornament project. Pictured above is Susie Lozano’s first grade class who had several parent visitors. Each parent enjoyed working on the project with
Courtesy Veronica Cantu, Junior Achievement Program Manager Tonie Martinez was at Dr. Henry Cuellar Elementary School this morning teaching students about the importance of education and saving for the future. This was just one of the many lessons Martinez and volunteers of the program conducted at the school. Lessons of the Junior Achievement program focus
Veronica Cantu, (Laredo, Tx)- If health and fitness are among your resolutions for the New Year, then the United Independent School District invites you to join them at the 3rd Annual Let’s Move for Scholars event to be held January 11, 2014 at the Johnson Student Activity Complex located at 5208 Santa Claudia Lane. Participants can
Courtesy U.S. Customs and Border Protection, BROWNSVILLE, Texas –Marine Interdiction Agents (MIAs) from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Air and Marine, Brownsville Marine Unit, working in a coordinated response effort with the U.S. Coast Guard and Port Isabel fire and police officials, recently helped effect the rescue and stabilization of a distressed subject suffering
Courtesy Alex Meyer, (Laredo, Tx)-On December 12, the Webb County Sheriff’s Department’s Deputy Santa program brought holiday merriment into the lives of 160 UISD elementary school students with a holiday party at the Peter Piper’s Pizza location on Guadalupe street. Each student received four game tokens, a pizza lunch and a gift from Santa and the
Courtesy Xochitl Mora, Laredo, TX –The City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) wants to remind the public to refrain from supporting illegal food vendors and illegal food products in our area, especially during this holiday season in order to prevent food-borne illnesses such as infections, food poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases. It is important to remember
Courtesy Yanira Deleon, The office of the District Attorney reports a guilty verdict for William Henry Johnson. On February 17, 2012 William Henry Johnson, who is originally from Phoenix, Arizona, shot 39-year-old Clarence Bruce Krusen, north of the city at the 14700 block of Atlanta Drive. Johnson shot Krusen to death and seriously wounded Roberto
Courtesy Xochitl Mora, Come see St. Peter’s courtyard transformed into a mini Bethlehem, as the entire school participates in one of the most moving musical interpretation of the birth of Jesus. Every child in the school participates, from the K-3, K-4, and K-5-year olds’ angelic angel choir, to the 8th graders portrayal of Mary and
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