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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council Attends Luncheon Hosted At La Posada

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos,

(Laredo, Texas)-Superintendent David H. Gonzalez recently hosted a Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council luncheon at La Posada. His student advisors were treated to a special presentation entitled.

“The Rules of Etiquette,” hosted by Ms. Magdalena Foster and Ms. Lisa Miller, of local clothing retailer Polly Adams. Ms. Miller discussed appropriate attire in different social settings, such as dinner parties and interviews.

Ms. Miller also stressed the importance of first impressions, grooming and hygiene, and body language. Ms. Foster then utilized the luncheon as a means to teach the Student Advisory Council proper dining etiquette. The students were advised on properly setting the table and which utensils should be used for which course of the meal.

Additionally, Ms. Foster and Ms. Miller discussed the importance of ‘working a room’ and keeping discussion topics neutral. Superintendent Gonzalez awarded each senior student a Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council pin to wear on their graduation stoles.

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