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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

SENTRI Inspection Leads CBP to Interception of 47 Live Roosters/Hens at Laredo Port of Entry

Courtesy Richard Pauza,

LAREDO, Texas –CBP officers and agriculture specialists at the Laredo Port of Entry intercepted a large clutch of live poultry hidden throughout a vehicle over the weekend. A total of 47 fighting roosters and hens were discovered in one enforcement action at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge.

“This is a large quantity of live animals, a significant violation of federal agriculture law uncovered by our frontline CBP officers and agriculture specialists and it resulted in a fine, the revocation of the driver’s SENTRI card and a vehicle seizure,” said Port Director Alberto Flores, Laredo Port of Entry. We remind the traveling public that utilization of SENTRI is a privilege and violation of federal law revokes those privileges.”

The incident happened on the evening of November 12th, when a United States citizen made entry via the SENTRI lane and was referred for inspection by CBP officers. At secondary, CBP officers discovered live poultry in stockings under the front seats. Because of the nature of the findings, CBP agriculture specialists were called in to assist with the inspection.

CBP personnel encountered more live poultry inside the purse of the passenger. In all, forty-seven (47) live birds were found concealed underneath the seats, floor mats, inside the glove compartment and trunk of the vehicle. A $500 penalty was issued by CBP agriculture specialist for attempting to import prohibited agriculture items while being a SENTRI card holder. The SENTRI card was picked up and turned in to the SENTRI Enrollment Center. The vehicle was seized by CBP under 19 USC 1595 and the live poultry were seized and transferred over to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Veterinary Services.

CBP would like to remind the public of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) regulations that live birds, fresh eggs, and raw poultry are prohibited from Mexico as Mexico is affected with Newcastle Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Both of these diseases affect poultry, are a serious disease of concern and are highly contagious. Attempting to bring in these prohibited items would lead to traveler delays and may result in a fine ranging from $300 to $1,000.

On the border at land, air and sea-based ports of entry, including Laredo, CBP officers and agriculture specialists continue to fulfill CBP’s agriculture mission by excluding harmful pests and diseases from becoming established in the U.S. For more information regarding CBP’s agriculture mission, click on the following link. More information regarding HPAI or New Castle Disease can be found at link or link.

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