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Sunday, March 16, 2025

TAMIU Employees Generate Record $1.2M in Student Support, Challenge Others to Join Them on TAMIU Giving Day, Nov. 17

Courtesy Steve Harmon,

(Laredo, Texas)-For 50 years, students attending Laredo’s hometown university have had powerful allies providing financial support and encouragement: University faculty and staff. Over the years, their giving spirit has generated $1.2 million in student scholarship support and more.

Through three identities as Texas A&I University at Laredo, Laredo State University and now Texas A&M International University (TAMIU), employee commitment has flourished and their giving has encouraged others, explained TAMIU vice president for Institutional Advancement Rosanne Palacios.

“It’s really quite impressive,” Palacios noted, “those who daily help, encourage and educate our students have always been there for them, quietly giving and helping. A lot of colleges and universities don’t enjoy this sort of enduring support. In our most recent staff and faculty giving campaign, 60% of employees gave, generating over $65,300. I always remind potential donors that their gift joins support that our employees provide each and every year. I think it says a lot about how much our employees not only treasure TAMIU, but how they want to ensure that our students succeed.”

She said that as the community readies for Thanksgiving, the University is encouraging others to join the University in being part of its annual “Giving Day.”

“In this most challenging of years, we still have much to be thankful for and we hope that others will join us in our ‘Giving Day,’ Tuesday, Nov. 17 — and share in TAMIU’s giving spirit,” she said.

One Response “TAMIU Employees Generate Record $1.2M in Student Support, Challenge Others to Join Them on TAMIU Giving Day, Nov. 17”

  1. January 30, 2021 at 4:31 am


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