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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bars Scheduled to Open if Hospital Capacity Remains Below 15%

Courtesy Marah Mendez

(Laredo, Texas)-Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order last week authorizing bars to open at 50% in counties where COVID-19 hospitalizations are less than 15% of hospital capacity for seven consecutive days. As of today, October 16, 2021, Webb County is at 11.9% of hospitalization rate and has met the “seven-day” requirement and qualifies to “opt-in” to opening bars at 50% capacity.

However, to make sure the county is ready to safely reopen bars, Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina will continue monitoring the numbers and our community’s compliance with COVID-19 safety precautions. All decisions on openings are data-driven. “Before making a critical decision, I must base my decision on the data. These next few days are crucial for Webb County,” said Judge Tijerina. Although COVID numbers are trending down, Judge Tijerina will reevaluate the data over the next fourteen days. “If hospitalization rates continue to remain under 15%, I will submit the required request to allow bars to open on November 2,” said Judge Tijerina.

In order for bars to open in Webb County, Judge Tijerina must submit a request to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). TABC will review Webb County’s request to open bars and make the final determination for approval. Once approval has been given by TABC, bars must abide by DSHS minimal standard health protocols and the Governor’s guidelines and bar owners and patrons must follow the mandated protocols requiring customers to sit down, keep dance floors closed, and stop selling alcohol at 11 p.m.

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