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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

City of Laredo, Webb County Confirm Positive COVID-19 Case

Courtesy Rafael Benavides,

LAREDO, Texas—The City of Laredo has received official confirmation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the San Antonio Metro Laboratory regarding a presumptive case of COVID-19 in a Laredo patient. The CDC has confirmed the patient tested positive for COVID-19. The patient showed only mild symptoms when they were tested last week in Laredo and has not traveled to any affected areas recently and is considered a case of community transmission. The patient continues to be in quarantine as the City of Laredo Health Department and CDC further investigate the case.

As of Monday afternoon, Laredo had six cases that were pending confirmation. As of Monday evening, one of those six cases was confirmed to be negative and another was confirmed to be positive by the CDC (the case previously mentioned). Results are still pending for the remaining four.

The City of Laredo and Webb County will host a press conference via WebEx on March 17 at 12:00 p.m.

The City of Laredo Health Department is recommending social distancing of no less than six feet away and to avoid groups of people with 50 persons or more. Even if you are not showing symptoms, please stay home unless it is a necessity. The city and the county have been in contact with HEB and Wal-Mart stores that assure the public there is no need to stockpile on items – there will be no shortage of items. Only take what you would normally consume and leave some for your neighbor. Grocery chains are restocking every night.

Stay informed on updates regarding COVID-19 by going to www.CityofLaredo.com. For any questions, please call the City of Laredo Coronavirus hotline at (956) 795-4954.

One Response “City of Laredo, Webb County Confirm Positive COVID-19 Case”

  1. March 17, 2020 at 2:40 am

    Do you known the Webex login information?

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