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Sunday, March 16, 2025

United ISD’s Music Education Program Receives National Recognition

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-United ISD has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education.

Now in its 20th year, the Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. To qualify for the Best Communities designation, Javier R. Vera, Director of Fine Arts answered detailed questions about funding, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music programs, Responses were verified with school officials and reviewed by The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas.

“United ISD’s Fine Arts Department is very pleased to receive this distinction from NAMM.  Our 29 elementary music teachers combined with our middle and high school band, choir and orchestra teachers that total 41, all were the driving force in this recognition.  Due to the student success they have had in their campus music programs and their strong desire to impart musical knowledge to each student, they have made this recognition possible.

This award recognizes that United ISD is leading the way with learning opportunities as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The legislation guides implementation in the states and replaces the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) which was often criticized for an overemphasis on testing-while leaving behind subjects such as music. ESSA recommends music and the arts as important elements of a well-rounded education for all children” said Vera.

Roberto J. Santos, Superintendent of Schools, stated “music education in our schools contributes to student academic growth and development, enriches students’ lives and our outstanding musical groups have been a great source of pride for United ISD.”

David H. Gonzalez, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction and Dolores W. Barrera, Executive Director, High School Instruction concur on the importance of music in UISD schools. Research into music education continues to demonstrate educational/cognitive and social skill benefits for children who make music. After two years of music education, research found that participants showed more substantial improvements in how the brain processes speech and reading scores that their less-involved peers and that students who are involved in music are not only more likely to graduate high school, but also to attend college as well. Everyday listening skills are stronger in musically-trained children than in those without music training.  Social benefits include conflict resolution, teamwork skills, and how to give and receive constructive criticism.

A 2015 study supported by The NAMM Foundation, “Striking A Chord,” also outlines the overwhelming desire by teachers and parents for music education opportunities for all children as part of the school curriculum.

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