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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Second Ride of Heroes Bike Race to Benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

JDRF 2013 2nd annual ride of heroes flyerCourtesy Xochitl Mora,

Laredo, Tx-Type I Diabetes affects its victims when they are young, and while to date, there is still no cure, there is still hope.  Hoping to bring some cheer and support to individuals in Laredo, juveniles and adults, who are living with Type I diabetes. Ciclo Mania and JDRF are organizing a two day event including: a 2 mile Nature Trail WALK, 4 mile Nature Trail RUN and Extreme Mountain BIKE RACEe at NIGHT set for Saturday, April 13th and on April 14th Ride of Heroes – Beginners, Intermediate and Law Enforcement Relay Bike Races Sunday, April 14, 2013, at Shiloh Trails.  IBC is the Presenting Sponsor for this event; HEB is a Silver Sponsor. Followed the best dailywellnesspro – blood sugar ultra

On Saturday morning, there is the Shiloh Nature Trail Walk set at $20 per walker with pre-registration, $25 the day of the event.  Children 12 and under can walk for only $5.  Registration day of event begins at 7 AM and the walk starts at 8 AM.

Later that afternoon, participate in the Extreme Trail Run of Heroes, with a pre-registration fee of only $15, and day of the event $20.  Registration on the day of the event begins at 4 PM and the run starts at 5 PM.

For an even more extreme event, get your team and participate in the Extreme Mountain Bike Night Ride of Heroes.  This is open to anyone in the community with a $120 cost per team of four relay riders,  Registration runs from 4 PM to 7:30 p.m. and the extreme mountain bike ride starts at 8 PM.

The next day begins the Ride of Heroes events.  A beginners and intermediate division, open for anyone in the community to participate begins with pre-registration at 7 AM.  The beginners division race begins at 8 AM right after the opening ceremony; the intermediate at 10 AM.  Cost for both is also $120 for a team of four.

Later that day, the Law Enforcement Ride of Heroes race begins. This category is open only to anyone who is a member of a law enforcement agency or in the military.  Registration runs from 7 AM to 10 AM and the Ride of Heroes starts at 12 PM.

“Riding for a cure, that’s why we are doing this,” says Customs & Border Protection Agent Jose Munoz, who is helping to organize the Ride of Heroes competitive bike race to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). “I challenge all of my brothers and sisters in uniform, as well as those in the community to participate in these great events, have fun and help a great cause.”

The bike races will follow MTB race guidelines. Competitors may sign up in the following categories: four-member team relay race; Beginners, Intermediate and Law Enforcement.

Fees to sign up are: team fee:  $120 Pre-registration is taking place at Ciclomania, 611 Shiloh Suite 2 Monn-Sat 11am-7pm.  The day of the event, on-site registration will take place with cash or check accepted only on same day registration.

Top three individual awards will be given out for each race and the grand daddy of them all, the Bragging Team Award for Law Enforcement will also be given out.

“Of course, all who support the cause are the real winners, by helping fund research that is improving the lives of all living with diabetes and getting us closer to a cure. We appreciate all those involved and the support we have generated through events like this race,” said Letty Garcia, Special Events Manager for JDRF in Laredo.  “I know that the Laredo Community, law enforcement, first responders and military have big hearts and are always ready to lend a helping hand.  They are true heroes, and I’m sure they will learn a lot about bravery from some of our youngest Type I Diabetic kids, who live with this disease every day of their lives,” concluded Garcia.  “I especially want to encourage everyone in the community to be a part of this special cause.”

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