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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ricardo Rangel Jr.’s Campaign Fundraiser for Webb County Constable Pct.2

Ricardo Rangel Jr. Candidate for Webb County Constable hosted a fifty lane Bowling Tournament last week at Jett Bowl North.  The tournament was a fundraiser to raise funds for his campaign.  Ricardo Rangel Jr. was accompanied by friends and family who came out in support of his campaign for Webb County Constable Pct.2.  Ricardo Rangel Jr. is the son of JP Ricardo Rangel who just recently won a second term in office.  Ricardo Rangel Jr. is considered one of the favorites in the race.  Ricardo is a graduate of Cigarroa High School and has strong ties in South Laredo having been a resident there all of his life.  Notables in attendance at the fundraiser were public servants that included JP Oscar Liendo his brother JP Hector Liendo, City Councilman Esteban Rangel, and former Webb County Judge Louis H. Bruni who is currently running for Webb County Commissioner in Pct.1.

12 Responses “Ricardo Rangel Jr.’s Campaign Fundraiser for Webb County Constable Pct.2”

  1. Anonymous
    July 31, 2012 at 4:38 pm

    richie is my friend and i think he is not ready. heck we snorted till 7 or 8 am. i remember those nights with godines and kermit

  2. schz
    September 11, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    This is America where elections are free. If there is a concern over nepotism or abuse of power then Richie’s opponents should really make good use of that point. If Richie does win, he will face scrutiny since so many of his relatives are elected officials… the abuse of power and corruption are what watchdog groups will be looking at closely. He seems to be an honest person … like the rest of the candidates … so may the best man win!!!

  3. September 6, 2011 at 11:00 am

    lol all of you people are retarts you just talk out of your ass!!!
    let them run their campaign and lets see who is the best one for that
    position…their there cause they have the balls to run for elected official no matter what idot talks about personal shit true or not!!!

  4. truth hurts
    June 10, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    mike villareal you are a law enforcement officer do the right thing and turn your drug dealing brother in to the proper authorities start upholding the law you not doing so shows the community what you really stand but then again maybe you play a role in your brothers operation

  5. wonderer
    June 9, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    Does this guy Rangel even have a peace officer license. Or is he just running because his dad is a judge. Imagine if he wins and then he fails the police academy. I for sure know he won’t pass the entrance physical.

  6. Klau
    April 4, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    oh god!! People clearly talk out of their ass!!!

    Where did you got ur WIFE?!..lmaoo

    Where did you “GOT” your EDUCATION?!

    && yes his wife is a very BEAUTIFUL woman and Ricardo is a very HANDSOME man but this isnt a Beauty Contest Idiotttt!

    Trouble maker??

    Why trouble maker??
    I dont see how him given an opportunity to make a diffrence in our community trouble!
    && your getting scared over some alchol? Are you kidding? Alchol isnt anything from another planet! But its good that you point that out IT just shows how CLOSED MINDED and IGNORANT you are!!

    If you dont like the guy dont vote for him as simple as that!

  7. get it right
    April 1, 2011 at 11:04 pm

    come on all you have to say about mike villarreal is about his brother. ask el richy bout his investigation bout taking drugs inside geo Haaaaa! his to young c’mon

  8. jesse
    March 31, 2011 at 9:36 pm

    I think he’s chick is super pretty for him!!!! Dude where did u got ur wife?

  9. reality bites
    March 29, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    hey miguel guess what? they are all the same lets take a look at the candidates one by one to see what lies beneath the faces: candidate one rick rodriguez ask him about his expensive snorting problem and his past problems as a deputy for juan garza, candidate two mike villareal ask him about his drug dealing brother anyone remember the dirty cops that where arrested last year? ask them about mikes brother’s role in the operation he might even be ricks supplier…lol…candidate three ricardo rangel at worst like you say he had a drinking problem big deal we dont live in the prohibition era. beer is beer but drugs my friend drugs are much worse. like jesus said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” in other words mikey boy put down that rock cocaine your smoking and mind your own business. 😛

  10. March 29, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    if u dont know the guy dont talk shit about him just because u aren’t in that position means that all of the sudden you know everything about him…

  11. Team Halliburton
    March 28, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    I second that motion.

    The truth hurts

  12. Miguel Orozco
    March 28, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    Are you serious!!!! this kid is nothing but a troublemaker, he hangs out with nothing but criminals and is an alcoholic.

    on the reality side having this kid serve for the community “SOUTH SIDE” is a big word for Corruption. Police Record ever heard of the word Expunjed. LMFAO look at his left eyebrow, you can tell he just had a fight the day before. I wonder with who!!! Im not trying to hate on this positive direction hes going thru but I just want the best for the community. Ties he has, WITH WHO I ask? Nobody but his dad.

    Now thats reality for your ass.

    Sincerely: Mike Boy Orozco

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