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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Grab It and Bag It: Volunteers Needed for April 2 Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off

Courtesy TxDot,

 AUSTIN, Texas — Fed up with roadside litter and fired up to do something about it, thousands of volunteers will fan out across Texas on April 2 to participate in the state’s largest one-day cleanup.

 The Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off is Texas ’ largest one-day cleanup event that occurs annually. It is a partnership between Keep Texas Beautiful and the Texas Department of Transportation.

 “There is still plenty of time to register and top the more than 74,000 volunteers we had last year,” said TxDOT Travel Information Division Director Doris Howdeshell. “One of the best ways to show your Texas pride is to participate.” 

 Research shows there are approximately 1.1 billion pieces on litter on Texas highways.

 The number of people and the amount of traffic continue to rise in Texas so more volunteers are needed to help pick up litter and debris. Help showcase Texas roadsides and take part in this event. 

 “Trash-Off continues to grow each year, and we couldn’t be more excited about this year’s program,” said Cathie Gail, Executive Director of Keep Texas Beautiful, said.  “In addition to beautifying our great state, Trash-Off helps educate and change the attitudes and behavior of would-be litterers.  The impact of the events has a lasting effect on everyone involved and the state.”

 Interested Trash-Off volunteers can sign up online at www.ktb.org or call 1-800-CLEAN-TX.

 2011 Trash-Off Goals: Quick Facts

 Texans are encouraged to exceed last year’s Trash-Off numbers.

·         2010 volunteers: 74,100

·         Pounds of trash collected in 2010: 8 million

·         Number of miles cleaned in 2010: 6,219

 This year, Don’t Mess with Texas celebrates its 25th anniversary. Volunteers are encouraged to share their favorite Texas images from the Trash-Off or from any time of the year at http://dontmesswithtexas.org/programs/photo-album/

 About Don’t Mess with Texas

Don’t Mess with Texas has been educating Texans about litter prevention since 1986. TxDOT’s litter prevention program includes Adopt-a-Highway and a grassroots partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful. Don’t Mess with Texas activities also include a spring “Trash-Off,” community outreach, a scholarship, a corporate partner program, and a photo album where Texans can share their iconic Texas images. For more information, visit www.DontMessWithTexas.org. TxDOT’s goals are to prepare for the future, enhance safety, maintain the transportation system, relieve congestion, enhance connectivity, and work with partners to identify funding strategies. For more information, visit www.txdot.gov.

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