Webb County to Hold Blood Drive
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Jun 15, 2010, 0 Comments
Courtesy Larry Sanchez,
The Webb County Administrative Services Department is teaming up with the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center to hold a blood drive this Thursday, June 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Billy Hall Jr. Administration Building. The drive will be held in conference room 1A located on the first floor at 1110 Washington Street.
The drive is open to the public.
Donors must be at least 16 years of age, weigh at least 120 pounds (with parental consent form), or at least 17 years old weighing 110 pounds, and in good general health to donate blood. It is recommended that donors eat and drink plenty of fluids before the donation process.
For their efforts, all donors will be entered to chance to win a Weber Genesis Gas Grill courtesy of Jeff’s Backyard and a thank you gift. For additional information you can contact Gaby Villarreal at 523-4143.