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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sheriff’s Deputies Discover Weapons and Cash

JOSE_VILLEGAS_061010Courtesy Maru De La Paz,

 Laredo, Texas (Webb County) – On Thursday, June 10, 2010, at approximately 8:30 a.m., Webb County Probation Officers discovered a chemical dispensing canister in the bed of a pickup truck, immediately the Webb County Sheriff’s Office took over the investigation.

 The truck was parked at a city meter at the corner of Washington and Convent Street. Deputies immediately had “Aaron” the bomb sniffing K-9 search for explosives. Also, The Laredo Police Department Bomb squad, US Marshals, ICE and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives responded for assistance.  Subsequently at the scene, Deputies arrested Jose Villegas, 20 years of age, minutes later Deputies reported that there was no threat to county employees working in the surrounding area.

 Webb County Sheriff’s investigators immediately proceeded with an investigation to Villegas last known address at the 2800 block of Pine Street.  Upon entering the residence, Investigators discovered $2,000 in US currency, one AR 15 fully loaded, one AK 47 assault rifle, one 9mm hand gun, two bullet proof vests and 100 round magazines for and AK 47.  Villegas was charged with 6 counts of possession of prohibited weapons, felony 3, he was transported to the Webb County Jail pending magistration. Further charges are pending by the Webb County Sheriff’s office.

 “This arrest was successful due to the diligence of our investigators and Deputies, they followed through with the arrest which led to the recovery of weapons and cash all within a matter of a couple of hours”. Sheriff Martin Cuellar stated.

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