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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Laredo Industrial Streets Closure Notice

streetCourtesy Xochitl Mora,

 Weather permitting, on-going construction on several of Laredo’s industrial street projects will include several closures, starting next.  The City of Laredo contractor will coordinate with area businesses to maintain access. The traveling public should slow down, drive with extreme caution, and observe all safety signs, traffic control devices and flaggers in the work zone area.

 Killam Industrial Park

Work will be completed at the intersection of Sara and El Gato. 

 Work will continue on Killam and Sara.  Traffic will remain one lane each direction on Killam and Sara. 

 On Thursday, June 10, work will begin on San Mateo between Sara and FM 1472. Traffic will be transitioned to one side of the road while the road is reconstructed in thirds.

 Also, work will begin on Killam between Lamar and FM 1472.  Traffic will be transitioned to one lane. This work should take about four weeks to complete.

 Inter-America Industrial Park

Work has also begun on a short section of Pan American road about half a mile west of FM 1472.  Traffic will be transitioned to one side of the roadway.

 Work will continue on Pan American and Atlanta Drive. Atlanta will be closed to traffic south of Pan American Drive.  One way traffic control will be used during peak traffic hours at this intersection.

 Beginning Wednesday, June 9, work will begin on the intersection of Tradecenter BLVD and Maquila Loop.

 Beginning Saturday, June 12, work will begin on the two-inch mill and overlay on the Inter-America Business Park.  During this work, half of the roadway will be closed at various locations.  Inter-America and Transportation Avenue may also alternate being closed to through traffic.   This work will continue on Saturday and Sunday.

 Tejas Industrial Park

Work will continue on San Mateo Avenue.  Traffic will be transitioned to one lane.

 Beginning Monday, June 14, work will begin at the knuckle located on the north end of San Mateo.  During this work, San Mateo will be closed to through traffic on both sides of the work area.

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