TAMIU Students Vote Support for Fall 2010 Fee Increases
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Dec 4, 2009, 0 Comments
Courtesy Steve Harmon,
A majority of Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) students have voted their support for increased fees for the 2010-11 school year that will improve the University’s Kinesiology, Wellness and Recreation Center (KWRC) and make possible expansion and remodeling of the food service area.
At the end of this week’s three-day on-line voting period, 379 students had cast ballots indicating 328 in support of a flat-rate recreation sports fee change, 51 opposed and 286 in favor of the food service expansion/remodel and 93 opposed. The student-approved fees are now subject to the approval of The Texas A&M University Board of Regents and, if approved, would take effect Fall 2010.
TAMIU president Ray Keck said he applauds the vision and partnership of students participating in the vote and looks forward to the improvements the fees’ passage makes possible. “Our students have spoken and we commend their engagement and their positive support. We realize that increasing fees in this economic climate is difficult, but have worked aggressively to make this increase as minimal as possible, while providing maximum student benefit. We look forward to moving on and expanding our services and capabilities to better serve our dynamic growth in student enrollment. In the final analysis, this all works to serve students better and smarter,” Dr. Keck said. The favorable vote for the flat-rate recreation sports fee will change the current per semester credit hour fee to a flat $48 fee per semester, resulting in no increase, and in some cases, a fee reduction for students taking 12 or more hours, about 59 percent of TAMIU students in an average semester.
The fee will support the purchase and maintenance of equipment in the University’s popular Kinesiology, Wellness and Recreation Center (KWRC). It may also be used for the future construction of intramural fields or sports facilities such as racquetball courts for all students. The favorable vote for the food service area expansion and remodeling fee increases the Student Center fee by $3 per semester credit hour and the cap to 15 semester credit hours. It will be used to remodel the area currently occupied by the bookstore into a larger food service area to provide better student service and increase seating.
By law, Student Centers can only be built or remodeled with Student Center fees, not State funds. State funds can only be used for most other campus construction projects. Current fees are used to pay the bond on the original construction of the building. Enrolled students voted on-line. Links to the voting site were also provided via the University’s external social media presence on Facebook and Twitter. The University provided advance information on the proposed fees at four hearings scheduled throughout November-December.
For additional information, contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at 326.2180, email pr***@ta***.edu or visit tamiu.edu