No Show Construction Contractor Arrested for Theft
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Dec 26, 2009, 1 Comment
Courtesy Joe Baeza,
On September 28, 2009 a complainant on the 3400 block of Weeping Willow reported to Police that the victim had contracted a male subject identified as Urbano Rosas, to some construction work which he was paid for but never finished. Yolanda Lopez provided a statement indicating that a payment to Urbano Rosas the amount of $1,400.00. He was paid to remodel certain details at the home. The victim further advised that Rosas didn`t do the job and only damaged the home. Due to the unfinished work the house now has damage and the owner is having many problems. The victim further advised that she looked for him but he had changed his phone number.
On September 28th case was assigned to Crimes Against Property Detectives for a follow-up investigation. On Ocober 1st 2009 Detectives met with the complainant who them the extensive damage to the residence allegedly caused by Urbano Rosas. Rosas was hired to do some electrical work at the home. The victim further advised that Rosas made some holes on her brick skirting surrounding her residence only to throw a fake wire not connecting to anything under her residence. The victim also showed Police a blue wire that was thrown under the mobile home to appear like some work had been done. The wire was not connected to any type of power supply. The victim further advised that the job has not been completed since June of 2009.
On October 23, 2009 the case was presented to District Attorney’s office where it was approved for a warrant. On 10-28-09 warrant # 9836 for Theft C/A was issued for the arrest of Urbano Rosas DOB 01-11-64. Bond was set at $1,000.00 by J/P H. Liendo.
On October 21, 2009 Police were called to file a report for theft because a complainant had contracted a male subject identified as Urbano Rosas to do some electrical work that was never finished. The case was assigned to Crimes Against Property Detectives for investigation. Investigators went to the residence located at 2500 block of San Salvador and met with the victim. The victim stated that during the first week of September of 2009 the victim had contracted Urbano Rosas for minor repair at their home and also for Rosas to set up electricity at their ranch out in Zapata. Rosas allegedly received a total sum of $3,000 for the job out in Zapata but never connected any electricity. Furthermore the repair at their home was also never repaired correctly as well. According to the victim Rosas one day called the victims out to Zapata to wait for a CPL truck. The owners went out to Zapata while Rosas went to their home here in Laredo and tampered with the electricity while they were out of town. The owners were oblivious to the deception until a neighbor came forward and told them that she allegedly saw Rosas jumping the fence and tampering with their electric box in the back of the residence on the same day Rosas called them out to Zapata to wait for a CPL truck. The CPL truck never showed. The owner returned later that on the same night to find his electricity at his home not working. The owner called Rosas to fix it and he charged them $840.00 for a repair that never needed repairing in the first place.
Urbano Rosas, did knowingly and intentionally by deception acquire a total of $3,840.00 from the victim as payment for electrical services, which he did not provide.
On November 17, 2009 the case was presented to the District Attorney’s office for a warrant approval. The attorney approved a warrant for Theft State Jail Felony. Justice of the Peace Oscar Liendo issued warrant #1628 for the respective arrest of Urbano Rosas. The bond was set at $30,000.00. Rosas was picked up on the two above mentioned case warrants by US Marshals at his residence and arrested. He was remanded to Webb County Jail where he was held under a combined bond of $31,000.
I wish you all the best. Thanks