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Laredo, Texas

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Friday, July 5, 2024

Mayor Salinas Gives Key To City to Performer, Pearls of Wisdom to Students

Paulina PhotoCourtesy Xochitl Mora,

 Last week, Mayor Salinas presented international and Grammy award-winning recording artist Paulina Rubio with the key to the City of Laredo. The award was presented to her prior to her show. Rubio was so excited to receive the token and have her photo taken with the city’s mayor, and she expressed her appreciation to the people of Laredo for the wonderful recognition.

 City Hall Shadows (5)Thursday, Mayor Salinas, District VIII Council Member Cindy Liendo Espinoza, City Secretary Gustavo Guevara and Deputy City Manager Cynthia Collazo each had shadows follow them for the day, learning the ins and outs of city government.  The students attended meetings and events with their mentees, and all had a better grasp of what takes place within the hallowed halls of City Hall.

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