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Laredo, Texas

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Thursday, January 30, 2025


Secures $300,000 for Manadas Hike and Bike Trail and $200,000 for Laredo Little Theatre

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Henry Cuellar today announced the passage the H.R. 3288, the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act of 2010, which makes key investments to protect America’s housing needs and makes much needed improvements to our nation’s highways, public transit systems and airports. In the bill, Congressman Cuellar was also able to secure $300,000 in funding for the Manadas Hike and Bike Trail and $200,000 for the Laredo Little Theatre.

“With the passage of this bill, we are repairing and modernizing our nation’s aging highway system, and ensuring that air travelers feel safer than ever,” said Congressman Cuellar. “I am also very pleased to have secured funding for two key projects in Laredo,”

With the funding, the Laredo Little Theatre will replace worn-out and outdated electronic equipment such as light boards, light fixtures, electrical wiring, and audio equipment. The City of Laredo will use the funding to continue enhancing the Manadas pathway, a project that once completed, will connect major key points in the city, from north Laredo to the Rio Grande River in the south.

“As a community, we need a venue that will allow our young actors to showcase and foster their talents and understand the importance of the arts. One way of doing so is by providing them with state-of-the-art equipment and a safe and sound building,” said Congressman Cuellar. “Just as important is for our residents to have a top-notch nature trail that can be used for recreational activities, bird watching, and much more.”

Recognizing the need to improve our major roads and thoroughfares, the bill provides more than $41 billion in funding to repair the nation’s aging highway infrastructure, while at the same time including $867 million for programs encouraging the use of safety belts, preventing drinking and driving, and improving child safety.

In addition, Congressman Cuellar added a cost-savings amendment to the legislation, requiring federal agencies funded by this bill to purchase energy-efficient light bulbs.

“These light bulbs last longer and use less electricity, which means we’ll spend fewer taxpayer dollars to replace them,” said Congressman Cuellar.  “In these hard economic times, we’re sending the right message to American taxpayers. If we spend your money, we’ll spend it more efficiently.”

Congressman Cuellar included a second amendment that prohibits agencies funded under this bill from booking first-class travel for their employees, unless certain exemptions apply under law.

“This sets an important standard as millions of Americans have reprioritized their lives because of the economic crisis,” said Congressman Cuellar.

Other provisions of this bill, which has a budget of more than $120 bill and which passed the House by a vote of 256-168, include:

·       Transit formula grants: allocates $8.34 billion for formula and bus grants for on-going capital and operating needs of urban and rural transit systems, including funding for new buses, stations, and technology improvements.

·       High speed/intercity passenger rail grants: includes $4 billion to provide grants to states or Amtrak for high speed passenger rail systems.

·       Veterans affairs housing vouchers: includes $75 million to provide 10,000 housing vouchers for homeless veterans.

·       Community Development Block Grants: allocates $4.6 billion to help fund community and economic development projects in approximately 1,180 localities.

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