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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Councilman Juan Narvaez Visits Schools in his District

IMG_6373 copyCouncilman Juan Narvaez along with Officers of the Laredo Police Department and Laredo Fire Department visited Elementary Schools in his District donating Back Packs filled with school supplies and vouchers for new school uniforms.  The kids patiently and politely waited for the gifts as Councilman Narvaez and LISD Trustee George Becklehymer spoke to the students before handing out the backpacks.  One by one the kids stepped up with smiles on their faces as their names were read thanking the officials after recieving their supplies.   The Councilman visited kids from Ryan Elementary School, Milton Elementary School, K. Tarver Elementary School, Gallegos Elementary School, Sanchez-Ochoa Elem. School, and Alma-Pierce Elem. School.  Exactly 220 backpacks were distributed during the Councilman’s visits.

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