El Metro ADA Sidewalks and Ramps Construction Project to Cause Partial Lane Closure
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Sep 3, 2012, 0 Comments
Courtesy Xochitl Mora,
Starting today Monday, September 3, 2012 and continuing until Friday, August 14, 2012, a private contractor for the City’s transit service, El Metro, will be constructing new sidewalks and ramps compliant with the American with Disabilities Act, along Zamora Street, between Pine Street and San Salvador Avenue. This will cause a partial lane closure on Zamora, for the installation of concrete and two blocks of sidewalk.
Motorists and pedestrians are cautioned to avoid the construction area completely and to take alternate routes, or to use extreme caution when traveling through the area. Customers are urged to adhere to all posted traffic control signs and devices in order to provide safety to all citizens and minimize traffic congestion in the affected area.