Firefighter Recruitment Process Begins
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Nov 4, 2011, 0 Comments
City of Laredo Fire Department Opens Firefighters Entrance Exam Registration Period
Courtesy Xochitl Mora,
There are several study guides available that may help individuals with taking the test, but the City of Laredo and the Civil Service Commission are not endorsing any specific study guide for the entry level firefighter Civil Service Exam.
The City of Laredo Fire Dept announces that the deadline to register for the upcoming Firefighter’s Entrance Exam is Tuesday, November 08, 2011 at 5:00 PM. Those interested in becoming firefighters and serving their community, are encouraged to register to take the written exam by no later than the referenced deadline.
You can register at City Hall, located at 1110 Houston St, at the Human Resources Office on the first floor between 8AM and 5PM.