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Laredo, Texas

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

City of Laredo Council Approved Projects for Bond Referendum

Courtesy Isabel Sosa,

Laredo, Texas—For the first time in 32 years, the City of Laredo is holding a bond election for residents to vote on bond programs. The bond election is designed to address areas not covered by the city’s normal operating budget.

During a Special City Council Meeting held on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Council Members listened to the final details and presentations from the Bond Referendum Main Committee and subcommittees in order to determine the projects that will be presented to the public. The approved projects sum up to a total amount of $417,050,000. Following the approval of projects within the four subcommittees, the City of Laredo will hold a Bond Referendum Election on May 3, 2025, which will include a designated period for early voting from April 22 through April 29, 2025.

The categories and the projects approved by the council for the bond referendum are as follows:

Proposition A – PUBLIC SAFETY | $271,160,000

Fire Department – Construction cost, land acquisition, vehicles, equipment, and emergency management. ($85,360,000)

Police Department – Construction cost for LPD headquarters, a training facility, a survival facility center, additional fleet units, and park surveillance. (185,800,000)

Proposition B – PUBLIC HEALTH | $70,890,000

Laredo Public Health Department – Clinical and research building, Health administration remodel of first and second floors, and Health administration additional third floor. ($70,890,000)

Proposition C – STREET IMPROVEMENTS | $65,000,000

Street paving – Preservation and rehabilitation of streets in our community. (65,000,000)

Proposition D – SENIOR HOUSING | $10,000,000

Community Development – Rehabilitation of the Hamilton Hotel (affordable housing for the elderly) and the remodeling of 29 units to be placed back in service. ($10,000,000)

Additionally, the City of Laredo will be hosting three Informational Sessions open to the public so the community can attend and ask or clarify any questions they may have regarding the bond or the projects.

The first two sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Jose A. Guerra Public Library Multi-Purpose Room (1120 E. Calton Rd.) and Thursday, March 27th, at the Carlos Rene & Raquel Ramirez WIC Clinic Multi-Purpose Room (2201 Saltillo St.), also at 6:00 p.m. The details of the date and place for further sessions will be available at a later time.

The community is encouraged to view or study the projects in detail. Furthermore, residents may learn about the Bond Referendum Committee and view the presentations made by the different subcommittees on the City of Laredo Government website.

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