Berry Cherry Limeade Biggie Buzz Balls Now Available at V&G Fine Spirits
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Mar 3, 2025, 0 Comments
Courtesy Joe Martinez,
(Laredo, Texas)- The much anticipated Berry Cherry Limeade Biggie Ballz have reached South Laredo and are now available at V&G Fine Spirits. This version of the Biggie Ballz is the premium version which is vodka based and mixed with artificial and natural fruit juices. The Biggie Ballz are available at V&G Fine Spirits in the original Margarita flaor, Strawberry Margarita, Mango Chile, and now Berry Cherry Limeade you can purchase either one of the versions for only $19.99.
V&G Fine Spirits is located at 2203 Pine Street next to R&R Tires along Zapata Hwy. the plaza in which it is located in is right across from Pizza Hut.