City of Laredo to Vaccinate 5,000 People in One Day
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Jan 29, 2021, 1 Comment

For more information about the Healthy Living/Viviendo Mejor program, as well as other sites for classes, please contact Fabiola Guerra, Project Coordinator at the City of Laredo Health Department at (956) 721-4994.
Courtesy David Alegria,
Laredo, TEXAS – The City of Laredo Health Department is pleased to announce that after receiving 5,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, it will move forward with the vaccination process.
Through this shipment, the Laredo Health Department will be able to begin Phase III of the vaccine distribution plan, which will focus on opening a broader vaccine administration network within our community. In partnership with local school districts, such as United Independent School District (UISD) and Laredo Independent School District (LISD), the City of Laredo will offer 25 COVID-19 Vaccine Points of Dispensing (PODs) across the city and Webb County.
The PODs will provide 5,000 first time dose inoculations in one day. The city would like to remind the public that it will continue to focus and prioritize on those who fall under the Phase 1A and 1B categories for the vaccine administration.
The online portal will open tomorrow, January 29, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. For those who wish to make an appointment via the phone, they will need to call 3-1-1 and they will be transferred to the vaccine hotline. The vaccines will be administered on Monday, February 1, 2021 in the 25 COVID-19 Vaccine PODs.
The 5,000 vaccines will be distributed as follows:
500 vaccines will be administered to 20 emergency response staff who are directly participating in the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine, a directive under the state’s phase 1-A Tier 2
1,497 will be administered to those who made an appointment on Monday, January 25, via and were scheduled for a later date (i.e. March or April 2021)
2,400 will be administered to those who make an appointment tomorrow, January 29, via
603 will be administered to those who make a an appointment tomorrow, January 29, via phone (3-1-1)
On January 26, 2021, elected officials, city and county leaders met with the Associate Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services to request 10,000 doses to be delivered on a weekly basis. These would be used for the first dose inoculations. City leaders will continue to ask the State of Texas for additional vaccines.
For more information, please call (956) 795-4920.
Necesitamos mi esposa y yo la vacuna vivid19 somos mayores de 65 tenemos todo el mes tratando de agarrar una cita