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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sheriff’s Office Traffic Stop Leads to Crystal Meth and Heroin

Courtesy Eduardo Chapa,

Laredo, TX  – Webb County Sheriff’s Office Deputies arrested a local man recently on charges of possession of controlled substance. It happened at the intersection of Santa Ursula Avenue and Lafayette Street.

The driver of a black Ford Ranger was identified as Arturo Alvarez Carrizalez, 50, who had a 24-ounce alcoholic beverage open container in plain view. After deputies questioned the driver and noticed inconsistencies, deputies called a K-9 unit, which alerted to the narcotics that were hidden in a battery located in the bed of the truck.

Deputies observed four packages inside the battery, which revealed a white crystal like substance, which tested positive for crystal methamphetamine, with a weight of 3.9 kilos and an estimated street value of $100,000. Two other packages containing a brown powdery substance, which tested positive for heroin, were also discovered. The heroin weighed 2.4 kilos and had an estimated street value of $195,000.

Carrizalez was arrested and transported to Webb County Jail with charges of possession of control substance felony 1 with a combined bond of $125,000.

“I congratulate our deputies for a job well done. These drugs cause a lot of damage to the body and are known to be very addictive. We prevented these drugs from being distributed in our streets, they are the cause of other criminal activity. I remind the public to report any suspicious activities by calling 956-415-BUST (2878). You can be eligible for a cash reward,” said Sheriff Martin Cuellar.

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