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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

City of Laredo Vehicle Parade Application & Event Plan

Courtesy Noraida Negron,

LAREDO, Texas— On Monday, October 19, City Council amended the City of Laredo’s Emergency Order. Effective immediately, all vehicle parades anticipated to gather more than 20 vehicles, or whose procession requires right-of-way and exemption of traffic laws, will require a city permit. There must be a “Designated Host” who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Order and must submit the permit and an event plan at least three business days in advance of the event. Permits submitted after the three business day deadline will not be considered.

Unless waived by the City Manager for a valid municipal public purpose, the “Designated Host” must, at its own cost, arrange for and provide security to ensure compliance with this Order and to address any traffic safety issues. The Designated Host may arrange for a local law enforcement agency with primary jurisdiction of the event to provide security and pay the associated costs established by said law enforcement agency.

The “Designated Host” is responsible in ensuring that:

• All participants of the event will need to wear facial coverings when riding with others outside their immediate family

• All participants will need to practice social distancing behavior during all portions of the event

• All participants will need to refrain from congregating outside of vehicles or along the parade route

• All participating drivers need a valid driver’s license and current liability insurance coverage.

The decision to approve or deny any request may be based on the recommendations of Laredo Health Officials. There is no fee for the application. The application can be found on the city’s website at: https://www.cityoflaredo.com/coronavirus/assets/vehicle_parade_application_and_event_plan.pdf

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