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Thursday, March 27, 2025

DWI Court Holds Graduation in Virtual Courtroom

Pictured are Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina; Judge Victor Villarreal; Victor Vasquez,
III, DWI Court Program Director; Freddy Cordoba, Jr., DWI Court Case Manager; Roxann Soto-Serna, Court Reporter; and James M. Bass, Executive Director for the Texas Department of Transportation.

Courtesy Larry Sanchez,

Over 200 Have Graduated from DWI Court Program Since Inception

         (Laredo, Texas)-Judge Victor Villarreal presided over the May DWI Court Virtual Graduation on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Fourteen graduates successfully completed all the DWI Court program terms and conditions. Program conditions include: Individual and group counseling sessions for substance abuse; DWI Classes; AA meetings; Community service; and abstinence from illegal drugs and alcohol. “The graduation ceremony online provided continued access to the courthouse, using available technology, and allowed program participants complete their program and continue sobriety,” explained Judge Villarreal.

          Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina provided words of encouragement as the graduation speaker, “Everything you have planted in you, it’s time to water it, time to sow, and time to grow. So I ask that you would do this: Do a self-check evaluation on who you are. You are somebody special. You are someone’s loved one. And somebody’s counting on you.”

          Texas Department of Transportation Executive Director James M. Bass told graduates, “Congratulations on completing the program, we’re counting on you to help make Texas roads safer. We’re proud of you!”

          Webb County Court-at-Law II continues to provide rehabilitation services and has held DWI Court hearings via video conference to comply with social distancing requirements to facilitate safe access to the justice system. DWI Court program participants continue to receive counseling, attend court sessions, report for random alcohol/drug tests, and they continue to accumulate sobriety days necessary for program graduation.

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