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Laredo, Texas

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

City & County Looking for Input on Transportation Alternatives

Courtesy Rafael Benavides,

LAREDO, Texas—The Laredo & Webb County Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LW-CAMPO), in partnership with the City of Laredo Planning Department, is working on an Active Transportation Plan for the region (LW-CAMPO is made up of City Council members, County Commissioners, and a TxDOT official). A survey was created to gather input from residents. This survey can be accessed at: www.cityoflaredo.com/planning/survey.html

Active transportation is a means of getting around by human-powered mobility. This includes walking, cycling, and using transit. Active transportation is an important element of Webb County’s mobility network, since it not only increases transportation choices but also supports healthy, active living.

“The plan seeks to better connect neighborhoods with future bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and multi-use paths that complement our local transit routes,” said Mayor Pete Saenz. “Without a plan for active transportation, then those who don’t drive–the very young, the very old, or those who can’t afford it–will continue to struggle getting around Laredo.”

According to MPO Director Kirby Snideman, the plan will benefit everyone in the community.

“When discussing the future of Laredo with residents, one of the biggest complaints we hear is always traffic,” Kirby Said. “No one likes traffic. And yet, traffic is a sign that the City is prospering. When Laredo was smaller it was easier to build or expand roads to alleviate traffic. However, at its current size, the City can’t build its way out of traffic congestion. The bigger we make the roads, the more traffic we generate. In the future, in addition to more roads, we need more options. Of course driving a car will always be important, but we hope to encourage more walking, bicycling, and transit use. We can do this by providing safe routes to use these other modes of transportation.”

Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina also supports the project. “Transportation is of the utmost importance, especially given how fast Laredo and Webb County are growing. It is important that we not just focus on cars, but plan for all types of transportation,” he said.

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