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Laredo, Texas

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

City, County Confirm Second COVID-19 Related Death

Courtesy Rafael Benavides,

LAREDO, Texas—The City of Laredo and Webb County have confirmed the second death in Laredo related to COVID-19. The City and County want to express their most sincere condolences to the family and want them to know that our counselors are available.

A female in her late 60s who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 as a close contact to another positive person, and who had an underlying health condition, was being treated in intensive care at Laredo Medical Center when she succumbed to the disease late Monday, March 30, 2020.

Laredo Medical Center issued a statement:

“We are sad to confirm that another patient has died from COVID-19. We appreciate the valiant work done by our caregiving team and we extend our deepest sympathies to the patient’s family and loved ones. It is vitally important for all members of our community to practice hand hygiene and social distancing which are the best ways at this moment to slow the spread of the virus.”

The City of Laredo Health Department is reminding the public that it is conducting contact investigation on persons who have tested positive to determine possible exposure to others. If the health department has not contacted you there is no need to take any action at this time. However, if someone is sick they need to stay home. In households with a positive person, there should only be one dedicated caregiver.

Other family members must stay apart and practice good hygiene and social distancing. The positive person should be in a dedicated room and must wear a mask and not gather with other family members. The caregiver should also wear a mask when providing care. This is extremely important as evidence points to strong clustering among positive persons. Stay home if you are sick and call your doctor. Do not go to the office, call your doctor first. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1.

As of  10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 31, a total of 267 persons have been tested, 127 of those tests have resulted negative, 37 have resulted positive, 103 are pending, 5 have recovered, 11  remain in the  hospital, and 2 have passed.

In order to safeguard legally-protected information, the City of Laredo is not publically releasing personal or identifiable information regarding any cases as it relates to COVID-19 testing, results or monitoring.

Visit www.cityoflaredo.com/coronavirus.html to see an continuously-updated interactive graph of COVID-19 in Laredo.

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