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Thursday, March 27, 2025

THGC Announces Recipient of Dr. Anna Steinberger Outstanding Texas Educator Award

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commissions (THGC), is behind the Dr. Anna Steinberger Outstanding Texas Educator Award, which  recognizes the Texas teacher most dedicated to Holocaust and/or genocide education.

This year, THGC received applications from all regions of the state, and United High School ESL teacher Marco Franco was selected as this year’s recipient of the award. Principal Alberto Aleman Jr. and his staff kept the award a secret until THGC staff  arrived on May 14 to present Mr. Franco with the award and a $1,000.00 check.  THGC Commission Chair Lynne Arnoff told the audience of students and teachers that the honor was well-deserved by Mr. Franco. 

“After carefully examining applications from all over the state, the Award Selection Committee is confident that Mr. Franco upholds the highest standards in Holocaust and genocide education”, said Arnoff.  Mr. Franco was nominated for the award by UHS Magnet Dean Maria Alarcon, who noted that Franco consistently demonstrated excellence in engaging students so that they understand the cruel impact of Holocausts and genocides the world over. The THGC is firmly committed to supporting efforts to teach the next generation about Holocaust and/or genocides in Europe, Cambodia, Rwanda, the Balkans, Sudan (Darfur), and in the Middle East (Iraq and Syria). 

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