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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

L.B.J. Early College High School Students Gain Field Experience at San Antonio Rancho Viejo

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-Thanks to the East Foundation, students in Lyndon B. Johnson High School’s Early College High School (ECHS) Program engaged in a biological/agricultural field experience at San Antonio Viejo Rancho located in Hebbronville, Texas.

The facility serves as a learning and training ground for South Texas institutions, students, scientists and veterinarians. During their stay,students learned about the natural habitat of native plants, flora, birds, and reptiles. They also observed animal/reptile hides and skulls,learned how to trace animal tracks, and how to transcribe findings into scientific field journals. The students also met with biologists, research scientists and professors from Texas A&M University,Kingsville who shared their experiences in the lab and field. The East Foundation supports wildlife conservation and other public benefits of ranching and private land stewardship.

Their charitable activities are operated as an integrated program of research, education and outreach in the pursuit of supporting wildlife conservation on native range lands.

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