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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

CBP Advises of Lane Realignment, Routing of Vehicular Traffic through Juarez-Lincoln Bridge’s Eastern Canopy Effective April 11

Courtesy Richard Pauza,

 LAREDO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Laredo Port of Entry is advising that effective April 11, all northbound vehicular traffic at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge will be routed through the bridge’s Eastern Canopy.

  “As the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge improvement project nears completion, we want to advise the traveling public of this shift of vehicular traffic to the Eastern Canopy so they can plan accordingly,” said Port Director Albert Flores, Laredo Port of Entry.

As the GSA port improvement project at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge nears completion, CBP this week has begun realigning the vehicular traffic toward the primary inspection booths on the eastern side of the bridge and starting the afternoon of April 11, the traffic will shift and be routed through the Eastern Canopy vehicle processing area. Eventually the bus traffic will be routed through the Western Canopy, which houses the bus processing facility.

In anticipation of that traffic shift, CBP is actively encouraging frequent cross border travelers to obtain radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology-enabled entry documents to use Ready Lanes or to consider enrolling in the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) program, which provides dedicated lanes at Gateway to the Americas Bridge for the exclusive use of SENTRI members.

Ready Lanes provide expedited processing through readers that capture information from RFID-enabled entry documents such as newer versions of the laser visa, resident alien and passport cards.

Processing in Ready Lanes is 20 percent faster than normal lanes and provide a time savings of up to 20 seconds per vehicle. Those who have renewed their entry documents within the last 24 months already have RFID-enabled documents and may not know it.

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