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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Texas Education Agency A – F Accountability System Gives United ISD an A Rating

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-United ISD is proud to be named among the top school districts in the state of Texas, earning an “A” for Overall Performance.  According to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Districts earn an A for Exemplary Performance when they serve most students well in high academic achievement and/or appropriate academic growth. In addition to earning an “A” for Overall Performance.

United ISD also garnered the only Distinction Designation for the area of Post-Secondary Readiness, available to districts. “Exemplary performance is a direct reflection of how all our campuses faired in this new system, all of which earned overall performance grades of “As” or “Bs”.  said Education Commissioner Mike  Morath. He continued by saying that high performance grades also  reflect the hard work and commitment of everyone within a school district, starting with  classroom teachers.  As noted on the txschools.org website, the new 2017-18 accountability system measures three areas or domains: Student Achievement (how much students know), School Progress (how much better students are doing than last year or peers in similar schools) and Closing the Gap (performance gaps amongst different groups of students).

  United ISD enrolled and educated 43,212 students last year, of which 98.8% were Hispanic, 75.4% Economically Disadvantaged, 36.1% English Learners and 8.5% received Special Education Services.  UISD also graduated 94.7% of the 3,128 students in the Class of 2017, which surpassed both the state and federal graduation rates for that same cohort. Additionally, United ISD educates 75.4% ECD which identifies UISD as a High Poverty School District based on TEA information.  From the information posted to the txschools.org, UISD is 1 of 4 High Poverty Districts that educates more than 20,000 students earning an A this year.

 United ISD administrators, teachers and students are committed and dedicated to student success,and are ensuring that students are well prepared for eventual success in subsequent grade-levels and post-secondary life. United ISD Superintendent of Schools Roberto J. Santos summarized the Grade A recognition with a pledge. “While we are proud of our A rating, we pledge to our United ISD parents and constituents that we will continue to develop curriculum, programs and opportunities that lead to student success” said Santos. “I also thank our community for helping United ISD achieve this auspicious milestone. Our Board of Trustees, principals, campuses, teachers, faculty, staff and employees are proud to work and serve in a community in which parents and stakeholders value and appreciate the hard work of our teachers and our support staff” he concluded.

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