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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Twenty-six Students Earn National Hispanic Recognition Title from College Board

Courtesy Rocio Moore,

(Laredo, Texas)-A total of twenty-six United ISD high school students earned the coveted  National Hispanic Recognition Program from The College Board. The program identifies academically outstanding Hispanic/Latino high school students.

To be eligible for this award, students must meet the following requirements:

·      Take the PSAT/NMSQT in October of their junior year

·      Be of at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino

·      Achieve the minimum required PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index score (this qualifying level may vary by state, region, and territory each year)

·      Earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher by the middle of their junior year


The College Board does not accept modifications to these requirements. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT in 9th or 10th grade must take it again in 11th grade to be eligible.


“On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I would like to congratulate these exceptional high school students for going above and beyond their academic pursuits,” said United ISD Superintendent Roberto J. Santos. “May they continue to be educational role models for their peers and we wish them continued success in the future,”


The following students received the NHRP award.

Alexander High School:

·      Karina Cruz

·      Francisco Lara

·      Ian Limarta (Also a Merit Commended Scholar)

·      Alexis Paredes

·      Jordan Puig

·      Alicia Reyes

·      Bernardo Trevino

·      Luisa Valdez

·      Linda Yelderman

·      Jose Diaz

·      Nikole Bonillas


United High School:

·      Myrnalejandra Canales

·      Fernando Castaneda

·      Mariana Elizondo Del Bosque

·      Montserrat Garza (Also a Merit Commended Scholar)

·      Edith Gonzalez

·      Maria Gorecki

·      Cassandra Martinez

·      Israel Muniz

·      Roberto Ponce

·      Sadey Rodriguez

·      Angel Salinas

·      Ruben Uribe

·      Carlos Vela

·      Ivan Villegas


United South High School:

·      Yesenia Garcia


The College Board’s National Hispanic Recognition Program identifies academically outstanding Hispanic/Latino high school students. Each year, the NHRP honors about 5,000 of the highest-scoring students from over 250,000 Hispanic/Latino juniors who take the PSAT/NMSQT. These students are from the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Mariana Islands, and the Marshall Islands, as well as U.S. citizens attending schools aboard. Approximately 200 of the top-scoring PAA™ students from Puerto Rico are also included.

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